Friday, May 16, 2008

Frugal Friday, sort of.

Sometimes being frugal takes up a lot of time.  I have been to the grocery store 2 times this week to get great sales.  Luckily the drug stores didn't have anything I needed so that was 2 separate trips I didn't have to make.  I have also spent a fair amount of time clipping coupons, re-doing my coupon organizer( I will post more on that Monday) and sending in rebates as well as researching more great deals and signing up for freebies on-line. (by the way this weeks freebies were really awesome, I'll post pics on Sunday).  I have enjoyed planting my vegetable garden as well as a few annuals around the yard.  I now have some veggies sprouting and I know with a little fertilizer my annuals will fill in nicely. (I, of course, buy the cheapest annuals in 6 packs and spread them out, more bang for your buck)  All while taking care of my daughter, cooking all meals from scratch and maintaining the house.

This being said, I have to cut back somewhere.  That just happens to be my blogging and soap making.  Once I get things in order I imagine I will be able to make more time for my hobbies.  We all have to sacrifice somewhere and I would say it is sure worth my time to keep saving money!!

Happy Frugal Friday!

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